The Glen Ellyn Community Grant program awards $10,000 to graduating students at Glenbard South and Glenbard West in May 2025. This money is from the proceeds of the 2024 Glen Ellyn Carnival.
As occurs each year, proceeds are donated to non-profit organizations who volunteer at the Taste of Glen Ellyn August 14-16, 2025. Non-Profits will attend our Annual Steak Fry is September 9, 2025 to receive their grant money.
Consideration of scholarship recipients will submit their applications at the counseling center of their school. Scholarships are awarded based on work ethic, volunteerism, essay answers and sense of community...
Danielle Bulthuis (Glenbard South)
Lily Guetzow (Glenbard South)
Samuel Hatlestad (Glenbard West)
Tyler Koslow (Glenbard West)
Brian Salgado (Glenbard South)
Emma Smith (Glenbard West)